


What does OBSERVE mean?

Observatory of Sustainability of the Algarve Region for Tourism


What is the main purpose of OBSERVE?

The main objective is to provide performance indicators of environmental, economic, socio-cultural and institutional, for monitoring and assessment of sustainability of the Algarve region, and supporting decision-making in the pursuit of improving environmental quality, social equity, economic effectiveness and increasing public awareness and citizen participation.


Does OBSERVE produce information?

No. OBSERVE collects, organizes, systematizes and disseminates information on various thematic areas, present in the pillars: Environment, Sociocultural, Economic and Institutional. The data provided comes from official (primary) sources with production skills, but also from secondary sources.


Is the information provided free?

Yes. The user of the platform can download the information provided free of charge at no cost. This information is accessible from their primary and / or collection sources.


What is the origin of the information?

The origin of the information is basically from two types: data collected automatically, through its own application (API), from official (primary) sources such as the National Statistics Institute (INE) and indicators constructed in the form of datasheets, whose data origin is diverse.


What complementary information is available for each indicator?

Below the presentation of indicator (graph, map or data table) is provided the indicator information, which gives a brief description, the unit, the periodicity, the calculation method, the typology and a field of observations. Afterwards it is possible to access the metadata, which discriminates the primary and collection sources and the data period as well as the visualization of the data in table form or the download of the same data to a spreadsheet.


What are the forms of representation of the indicators?

Indicators are represented in two main ways: graphs (bars, lines, circulars), maps or tables. Representation options are dependent on the type of indicator and the filters available, which vary depending on the categories present. The user selects the representation form in the upper right corner.


How to view all available information for a given indicator?

Each indicator has a reference period in years (or another temporal period) and menu filter options. In this menu, the user can choose the location and categories, depending on the information the user wants to view.


How to download information

Following the indicator sheet, metadata and data, is available a link "Download spreadsheet", which allows the user to perform the download of information to an excel spreadsheet.


How do I contact the OBSERVE team for suggestions?

You can write any suggestions and / or comments on the Participation tab, a contact form is available.


What is the frequency of update?

For indicators whose data is collected automatically via the API, their update is the source update. For manual type indicators, their updating will tend to be done at similar intervals to the specific source.


How many indicators are available?

The number of indicators available is more than six dozen. This number could increase since the creation of new indicators can occur when is appropriate.


What are the combined indicators?

Combined indicators result from the relationship between two existing indicators.


How can I access other combined indicators?

On the Participation tab, a contact form is available where you can make this request.


What advantage do I have in registering?

A registered user receives the OBSERVE Newsletter and may have a user profile with the type of graphics best suited to his needs.


What languages is OBSERVE in?

OBSERVE is in Portuguese and English.


Whom OBSERVE may interest?

OBSERVE interest's researchers, public entities, business associations, decision-makers, domestic and foreign entrepreneurs, tourists and the average citizen.


How can you access an indicator that is not available?

Enter the Participation tab and the contact form and leave your request and your contacts, if this indicator may become available you will be informed.