
Beneficiaries of social integration income, of social security per 1000 inhabitants in active age

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Data for Algarve as a function of location

Continente (‰)


Permillage of beneficiaries of social integration income, that is, benefit included in the solidarity sub-system and in a social integration programme, in order to provide support to the beneficiaries and their households that is adapted to their specific context, meets their essential needs and fosters progressive social, community and labour force integration, per 1000 inhabitants in active age.

(Beneficiaries of social integration income, of social security/ Average population in active age)*1000


Per-mille (‰)



Instituto de Informática


2011 - 2021

Years Algarve
2011 46.910
2012 42.570
2013 35.580
2014 28.900
2015 24.820
2016 22.970
2017 22.130
2018 20.360
2019 20.110
2020 23.680
2021 27.370
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